Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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+1 -800-456-478-23


Zero Trust is a Misnomer—All Attacks Come from Inside

Last year, the Biden administration issued an executive order, and later additional guidance, aimed at improving the nation’s cybersecurity. Agencies are now required to deploy Zero Trust architectures by 2024. As things go in government, so they tend to go in the private sector. Zero Trust is, therefore, the cybersecurity buzzword of the day.


Application Security or Application-Level Data Security: What’s the Difference?

We’re pretty mission-driven here at Absio. We believe there is a real problem (or problems) in cybersecurity that reaches back to the first computers. We’re eager to help organizations resolve the issues that arise when sensitive data created or processed by software doesn’t enjoy full-lifecycle protection. A big part of the solution to today’s seemingly endless cybersecurity breaches and privacy infringements is to reengineer applications to adequately, reliably, and automatically protect data, by default and by design.